These nests have always fascinated me.
Although I have known about this secret place for decades, whenever I find myself there, I am taken back by the same distinct and lasting feeling of having set foot on sacred grounds.
Mythology presents Herons as Deity’s messenger. They will appear in our lives to teach us patience as well as the power of precision. Standing still, majestically, for endless hours, staring at the water, the Heron will peer into the pool of wisdom and open sights to reflection for the journey-makers.
Applied Arts 2014 • Nature Landscapes — Winner
Communication Arts 2014 • Unpublished — Winner
London IPA 2014 • Nature-Wildlife — Honorable Mention
Lux Photography 2015 • Nature-Wildlife — Winner
Applied Arts 2014 • Nature Landscapes — Winner
Communication Arts 2014 • Unpublished — Winner
London IPA 2014 • Nature-Wildlife — Honorable Mention
Lux Photography 2015 • Nature-Wildlife — Winner