BADC Awards

Find The One (Shahram's True Story)

CLIENT  The Producers   AGENCY  McCann, Melbourne   Creative Director     COPYWRITER  Moira Cotnoir   ART DIRECTOR  Megan Latter   PRODUCTION  The Producers   PRODEXEC  Noelle Jones     DIRECTOR  Olivier Staub  CINEMATOGRAPHER  Olivier Staub
In this fast-swiping, instant gratification age of Tinder and Bumble, trying to find love the old-school way - via a personal ad in the paper - seems charmingly out-of-touch, even hopeless.
Shahram Katozpour's ad caught the attention of film production company "The Producers", which was looking for someone to showcase in a series of short films, part of a promotional campaign cooked up by McCann Melbourne and putted together a print ad pointing viewers to
My film is part of that trilogy, a film noir genre that compares love to chess, another passion of Shahram’s.